Sunday, 11 March 2012

Contribution from School #3, Sevastopol

     I come from what I would consider to be a large family and like many people, my age, my family structure and history is very complicated. Unlike many people my age, I didn’t grow up around relatives. So many understanding of my family’s structure and history is even more complicated because of my limited contact with them. However, my parents tell me about my relatives and so I know that my family has a rich history.
 My mother’s grandfather came after the World War II with a Polish woman. It was my grand grandmother.  They lived in a village where my grandmother and her brother were born.  When they had grown up, they left their home and went to Kiev.  Here my grandmother tried to enter a medical college but got scared and went to study bookkeepering. Here she has met my grandfather who had come from Shepitovka. He went to study engineering.  Soon my grandparents got marriage and they have two children: my mother and her brother.
        As my mom got older she went to study in a pedagogical college. In that time she has met my father.  My father is a Russian. His grandparents were deported in 30th to Siberia. My grandmother came in 70th to Dzhankoy and got married with my grandfather. They have two children; my father and his sister. After 9th grade my father went to study in Kherson in a military college. When he had graduated he went to study in a university in Kiev. He has met my mom and after two years my parents got marriage. After a year my family moved to Sevastopol. I was born here.
      Talking about my relatives, my aunt and uncle stayed in their hometowns. Both got marriage and both families have a son. My father’s parents, unfortunately, had divorced and soon my grandfather died. Also I have cousins in Kherson and in Tula. But it is a long story.
     Well, that is the main about my family. I communicate with my relatives not very often because we live in different cities, however, I value my relationship and never forget about my heritage.

    Anastasiya Popova
    Form 10-B
    School #3

       We can inherit different  things. First of all, when we were born we inherited our qualities it means we got some information from our parents. Later we will see that we look similar with our parents. I think if grandfather was loyal, honest,  patriotic, his grandchildren will also inherit these qualities because this surrounding will influence  the child .
     Secondly, we can inherit some material things  like houses, money and  jewellery. In the past this type of inheritance was very important. It gave some status. For example, all rulers and monarchs had titles and great inheritance which meant a lot. If one didn’t have any  inheritance  there was no chance  to get married to anybody  he/|she  loved . But the traces of this we can see in European royal families. The law was very strict and the life was very severe.
Now we have a better live and inheritance doesn’t play such a great role as before. And thirdly, we should mention our historical inheritance like wars and revolutions that influence our character and behavior.
   As for me I will try to do my best so that my children will be proud of me and inherit something good.

 Vasilieva Oksana
 Form 10-B
 School # 3

My Heritage
Our kin is very old. In
Poland and Ukraine my ancestors lived. My great-great-grandfather (on my mother`s side) was a manager of the country-seat. He was responsible for the work in the house, in the fields and for the finance. At that time it was a very high post for a peasant, but he was an educated man and always had a great thirst for knowledge.
His family consisted of 7 children, the last of them was my great-grandfather.  They were very poor, and very often had nothing to eat, they managed to find time and money for studying.  They were the only children from their village who entered school. When my great-grandfather was 19, he decided to marry a girl of 17, whom he fell in love with.  After the wedding they lived happily and had 4 children, the last of them was my grandmother. She studied at school in the city far from the village and had to walk 25 km every Saturday and Sunday to came home and return to school.
To give you an example of their hard life I’ll tell you about one episode from my grandmother’s life. She also had to walk to get home on the weekend. There was a thick forest near the road. One could hardly meet a man on that road. One day on her way home she saw 3 big grey dogs. She was glad, and thought: «If the dogs are here, the hunter might be near». But when she returned home and told her father about that, he became very anxious because he realized that his daughter had met 3 big wolves and he heard people saving the wolves had eaten a young woman – the teacher.
My grandmother (on my father’s side) finished the college of food industry and after graduating she was sent to Azerbaijan. As you see, the thirst for knowledge was always in our family. Everybody wanted to study, to investigate the world, to know more about it. Right now my father entered the University to get the second diploma and my mother is always studying.
The other feature of our family is love to music. My grannies sing well, my Father and little sister can not only sing but, also play the piano, and father also plays accordeon. May be I’m the only member of our family who can’t play musical instruments, but, when I am alone or with my parents, I like to sing and to listen to music they play.
My parents are kind people, they love me very much and they know a lot. They can always understand me and help me to solve all my problems. I try to be like them and I can even say they are my «heroes» especially my mother whom I want to look like. Our family is very friendly.  On holidays all the relatives used to gather somewhere and to have a party, where we talk, sing songs, dance and play different games and even the eldest members of our family take part in it. I think my family and my ancestors have great influence on me. As I’ve already said, I want to be like my mother. Secondly, I want to receive the best education I can and I will do my best to achieve this goal. I also like to dance, to sing, to laugh, to have fun and I won’t be scared by difficulties.
I think that I owe much to my family and the ancestors and consider my family the happiest of all.

Anna Obishchenko
  Form 10B
 School #3
We have inherited cultural traits from two countries:  America and England.  We inherited the American accent because we were born in America, but my mum is British, so we have inherited her English manners, such as politeness and patience.  Because of my parents, we are time oriented and want to get things done. 
My mum introduced hot tea to our family.  In America we drink ice tea.  My family has high moral standards so we inherited a piece of my parents’ wisdom and self control.  Our American side of the family is more active in sports and games, but our British side is more reserved with gardening and talking over tea time.
None of our family members are singers or poets,  therefore, we did not inherit any of those talents.  We tend to think in the future.  There is always a calendar to look at and schedule planned, but still room for spontaneity.
We inherit characteristics from our parents and ancesters, and look forward to developing our own inheritence to pass on to generations to come.
Our heritage consists of things that our family from America and England pass on to the next in line on the family tree,  but sadly beying in Ukrain, my family can’t acsept everything that is offered like houses, cars, collections and many others.  At least those things go to our relitives.  Not very long ago, our great gran father died at the age of 104 and left behind an old house, an old TV, a chime clock, a beautiful garden, a laboratory and more. All we got out of it was money.  But we are proud of him.
Nickolas and Alexander Greer
Form  9C
 Teacher:  Polupan A.P.
 School #3

Contribution from Crimean Gymnasia for Gifted Students

I have a big and good heritage, and of course I am happy about it.
My first heritage and man heritage is the culture of my native region (homeland). I live in Crimea. It is a multicultural place. There are a lot of nationalities in Crimea. Exchange of cultures gives a big treasure to all habitats of peninsula. I absorb all information about all cultures and religions like a sponge. In our modern world we can get this information from the newspapers, journals, TV and the Internet and I use these possibilities as much as I can.
 But now I want to tell you about one of our national celebration. I am Crimean-Tatar so I celebrate all Muslim holidays. One of them is Qurban Bairam. In this day we often go to our relatives and make presents. Also rich people sacrifice sheep. All meat is given to poor people. Sometimes rich relatives give money to their friends or members of family. It is a very good holiday because it brings all the family together.
My second heritage is books. In our computerized world I still like to read books. I think nothing can replace a book. My hobby is reading so I enjoy sitting in the bedroom and reading some fascinating books. My favorite writers are: Jack London, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Ernest Hemingway, Leo Tolstoy, and Alexander Pushkin. My last book was “I am Legend” by Richard Matheson I liked the plot, but I was quite upset about pessimistic end. Soon I understood that it was not my book.
And my third heritage is a family treasure. My main family heritage is a very old ring. It keeps all history of my clan. First 50 years it was just a wedding ring which my great-grandfather gave to his wife as a present. But in 1944 when there was very bad year: my distant relative found the way how to save this ring. Even during the worst years my family didn’t sell the ring. Now my uncle keeps it.
So, if I have to count my entire heritage, I will not be able to do it because in my essay there is just a little part of this all. My heritage is interesting and fascinating so everyone should keep it for our children!

Student: Ruslan Ablayev, 
 Form 9B
Teacher :Polupan  A.
 Crimean Gymnasia for Gifted Students

Меня зовут Эдем. Я обыкновенный парень, который учиться в 10-м классе в Крымской гимназии-интернате для одаренных детей МОНМС АР Крым.
Все гимназисты учатся с понедельника по субботу, включительно. Каждую субботу те, кто близко живут к гимназии, уезжают к себе домой, чтобы повидаться с близкими: со своими родителями, братьями и сестрами, бабушками и дедушками, дядями и тетями, помочь им морально и физически. Другие дети, которые живут далеко от гимназии, ездят домой после каждых 2-х недель. Также у нас есть и каникулы: осенние – 1 неделя, зимние – 2 недели, весенние – 1 неделя и летние, которые длятся 3 месяца.
Живем, едим и развиваемся мы в гимназии. Учебный процесс начинается в 800, а заканчивается обычно в 1500. После этого мы имеем 2 часа свободного времени. Затем следуют 2 этюда по 1 часу с перерывом между собой в 1 час, после чего мы имеем свободное время аж до отбоя - 2200. В свободное время ученики нашей гимназии обычно ходят на факультативы, различные кружки (авиамоделирование, риторика, танцы, хор, философские россыпи, физико-математические занятия, занятия по информатике, футбол, баскетбол и на многое другое), собирают заседания ученического парламента гимназии, активно участвуют в жизни гимназии – в общем всесторонни развиваются и прославляют нашу родную и дорогую гимназию. Я люблю свою гимназию!!!
Так сложилось, что жизнь в нашей гимназии очень насыщена. Та обстановка, сложившаяся в нашем «втором доме» - гимназии, дружба сделала из всех её учащихся настоящее БРАТСТВО, описать котрого я в не состоянии.
Все это помогает сформировать личность человека, человек с большой буквы. Также атмосфера гимназии помогла мне понять, где есть хорошо, а где плохо, что нужно делать, а что не нужно, помогла мне понять, что на самом деле есть мое наследие:
1.Жизнь: Я считаю, что главным моим наследием является моя ЖИЗНЬ – мой шанс, подаренный мне Богом и матерью.
2.Язык: Одним из главных моих наследий также является ЯЗЫК. Потому что именно ЯЗЫК является средством общения, историей народа. Язык-это путь цивилизации.
3.Родина: Я считаю, что РОДИНА также является одним из важнейших наследий моей жизни. Ведь существует какая-то необыкновенная связь между человеком и природой.
4.Характер (ПОВЕДЕНИЕ) Воспитание: Последним моим наиважнейшим наследием, я считаю, свой характер. Именно мое воспитание и характер помогают мне сейчас и, надеюсь, помогут в будущем.
Эти 4 фактора являются моим наследием.

суфьянов Эдем
10б  класс,
Крымская гимназия-интернат для одаренных детей МОНМС АР Крым.

Thursday, 2 February 2012

Family Photos from Chernivtsy

Family photos are like a piece of family life. Every photo has a definite story. I think that every family must have albums with photos because they reflect the history of the family.

1) Семья моей бабушки по папиной линии.Моя бабушка-маленькая девочка с лева.Её папа был репрессирован.
The family of my  father's  grandmother.My granny is a little girl on the left. Her father was a victim of repressions.

2)Фото,на котором моя бабушка,прабабушка и прапрабабушка.(по маминой линии).Моя бабушка-девочка в платье в горошинку.Моя прабабушка-девушка с лева,которая обнимает ребенка, моя прапрабабушка-женщина ,которая сидит в центре.

My mother's relatives are in this picture. My grandmother is a little girl wearing a dress with dots. The great-grandmother is a young lady on the left hugging a child. And in the center there is my great-great-grandmother.
3)Бабушка и дедушка моего папы,маленький ребенок-дядя моего папы.

 This is the photo of my father's grandmother and grandfather. The child is my father's uncle.

4)This is my photo. I am a happy and joyful person.

Juliana Zagurska
10th Grade
Teacher: Tetiana Sporinina
Gymnasium #2

Tuesday, 31 January 2012

Contribution from Chernivtsy Gymnasium # 2

My name is Julia Popovich.
Julia is a Roman name. It designates fluffy, curly, a sheaf. I have a brother the twin. His name is Bogdan.
We have relatives in Canada and Chernivetskyi area.
We speak at home the Ukrainian language. I know English, German (I learn these languages) and Russian.
Mum teaches me to embroider “rooshniki”. I have embroidered one “rooshnik” and to its drill in a basket for Easter. In our family the grandmother and mum embroider. Mum embroiders even pictures. They hang at home. Mum embroiders both threads, and beads.
I am more similar to my father. And I took after my  mum in character.
I have elder sister who draws well. Her name is Hristina. She is  the participant of various exhibitions, have won competition of Minims. Our great-grandfather Yury Popovich was the artist.

Best wishes
Julia Popovich, 6 form,
Gymnasium #2

Hi, my name is Julia Ugorska.
Julia is a Latinate feminine form of the name Julius. Julius was a Roman family, derived from a founder Julus, the son of Aeneas and Creusa in Roman mythology, although the name's etymology may possibly derive from Greek word "ioulos" or alternatively from name of the Roman god Jupiter.
None of my family has the same name. And that's great, I think. Just because each of us is individual and deserves the name which in some way reflects his/her character.
Ukraine's the native country of my all ancestors. And although some of my relatives are living in Russia now, they have Ukrainian nationality and traditions.
All members of my family know Ukrainian and Russian. As for me, I know Russian, Ukrainian, English and a little bit German. First two languages I speak fluently, which I can't say of English. I think I'm far not perfect in it, however, this fact only encourages me to improve it. We study German at school, so I know some general phrases and grammar rules. And maybe I will be even able to get acquainted with somebody using German or buy something in the shop, but I don't actually feel myself comfortable speaking it. Yet, the closest language for me is Ukrainian, of course. Usually we speak it at home.
Our family doesn't have any specific traditions or celebrations. But most religious and national festivals we consider to be our family holidays and celebrate them properly from year to year.
My appearance resembles my dad's one. We've got similar big brown eyes, thick black eyelashes and features.
In character I take after my dad too. Our behavior is almost identical and it's very easy for me to guess his view or reaction on different things, events, activities and people. But my great love to different sciences I've got from mum.
In our family albums we've got photos from a great range of events, such as family holidays or everyday walks. I think keeping photos is very important first of all because they're really evocative of our past. They can remind us of people or some bright events we've forgotten about. Photos help us to not forget our origin and the history of our life. They also evoke some kind of nostalgia and melancholy which everyone should feel sometimes. That's why I treasure all the photos and consider them to be an essential part of family heritage.

Best of Luck,
10th Grade
Gymnasium #2

 Hello! My name is Elizabeth Savchuk.
It is of Hebrew origin, and the meaning of Elizabeth is "God's promise; God is my oath". I don't know, maybe they think that Elizabeth is a wonderful name.
None of my family has the same name. Why? I think, because everybody in my family must be individual, special, so similar names sometimes spoil it.
My Mum is from Russia, so her parents (my grandparents) are from Russia too. But Daddy with his parents are from our Ukraine. My Grandmom is living in the USA (New-York) now, a lot of my relatives are living in Germany, Canada, Russia, Ukraine, Spain.
 With members of my family I speak  Russian and Ukrainian languages. But I also know the  English language and a little bit of German language.
My appearence is similar to the father's. I am a father's daugther after all ;) I have  large gray eyes, a refined face, full lips and dark hair. I have similar character with my Mum: we like animals, we are delicate, fragile, intelligent.

Good luck,
10th Grade
Gymnasium #2

Hi, my name is Juliana Zagurska.
The name Juliana is of Latin origin, a similar form of the name Julia. It is a woman’s form of the name Julianos (Julian).The name has spread in Europe because of veneration St. Juliana of Lyuttiha (Germany, XII-XIII cc.).
My surname comes from the Polish nobleman Zagursky, who came from Poland to Khmelnitsky region in the 19th century.
Firstly my parents chose it for me because in my family usually choose short , not too long names. And the  name Juliana in its short form sounds like July. Secondly, from the first minutes of my life, my mum saw that I am an obstinate and emotional girl.
Nobody in my family has  the same name. And it is great because I feel my individuality .
My family can be called a multinational  one. It consists of Poles, Russians, Ukrainian and even of Romanians. My great-grandmother and great-grandfather on the father`s side were born in the Khmelnitsky region , in the village of Zinkiv. My great-grandmother on the mother`s side was born in Zhitomir region , in the village of  Ivanopil (Janushpil). My great-grandfather on the mother`s side was born in Russia , near Smolensk. My grandparents on the father`s side were born in Khmelnitsky region , in the village of Zinkiv too. My granny on the mother`s side was born in the town Struj, and grandpa was born in Chernivtsy.
All of my family members know Ukrainian and Russian. Ukrainian is my mother tongue. I also speak Russian, a little bit English, Polish, and a little bit German. My English, of course, is not perfect and it makes me learn more and better. At home I speak Ukrainian.
We are Catholics. But in my family there are also Orthodox members. So we often celebrate some holidays together. My family does not have any special holidays, unless celebrate birthdays or Christian holidays like Christmas, Easter and etc.
We all have half of the genes from mom and the other half from dad. I look similar with my dad and with my mom. With my dad we have got similar eyebrows, grey eyes and features. With my mom we have got similar lips.
As for the character, I think that every person is different. As all people similar we all have similar features of character.
Family photos are like a piece of family life. Every photo has a definite story. I think that every family must have albums with photos because they reflect the history of the family.

10th Grade
Gymnasium #2

My name is Elizabeth Chagley
There are many variants concerning the origin of my surname. It originates from the Ukrainian language. It was the surname of noble families. As for my name, Elizabeth is the Greek translation of the Hebrew name Elisheva, meaning "God's promise".
My parents chose this name for me because my mother liked it very much. My great great grandmather s name was also Elizabeth.
My parents, grandparents, greatgrandparents were born in Ukraine but my great great grandfather was born in Austria. I have relatives in the Western part of Ukraine. Me and my parents speak Ukrainian, Russian, Polish, English and German.
Me and my family have the tradition to visit church all together on the Christmas Eve and on Easter. When my family gathers for a special celebration we always try to cook something special and extraordinary. For example, we like to eat sushi (^_^).
I look like my mother and my great great grandmother (the one whose name was also Elizabeth).
Speaking about my character, I took some features from all my relatives: good sense of humor from my father, diligence from my mother, kindness from my granny etc.
My great grandmother knows many stories about our family. She likes to tell us about past events and to show albums with family photos. 

Elizabeth Chagley

Hi, my name is Anastasia Melnichuk.
The name Anastacia is Greek, and means the "revived".
I was named in honor of my great-grandmother Nastia, you really loved my dad.
All of my parents, grandparents, great-grandparents were born in
Ukraine. But now my sister lives in Italy. I and my parents can speak Ukrainian and Russian languages. There is a tradition in my family every Christmas and New Year, we celebrate all together. I really love my parents. In character I am like mum, but in  appearance I am like dad. I have a very big family photo album, with a variety of photographs. It is very valuable to me.
My family is the most valuable treasure that I have.
Best wishes
Anastasia Melnichuk, 7 form,
Gymnasium №5

Monday, 2 January 2012

Family Photos from Sevastopol

In our family we've got some photo albums to keep our family photos.
Each family member has a personal album. As for me, in my album there are  photos of my parents and grandparents, me, my close relatives, classmates and friends. Each photo has its own story. I'd like to tell about the one I like very much.
In this photo you can see my mum feeding an owlet. The parents found the bird near the house and took care of it. It lived in our house for some time. I like this photo because it shows my parents are kind and caring. They like and protect nature.
(Maria Kareva, form 6a)

In our family we have some photo albums to keep our family photos.
Every family member has a personal album. As for me, in my album there are photos of my parents and grandparents, me, my relatives and close friends. Every photo has the own history. I would like to tell some words about the one which I like very much.
In this photo you can see the celebration of my first jubilee – the 5th anniversary.  I am sitting (left) with my best friend Masha
Каreva. I like this photo, because it reminds me about that period of my life and is one of my brightest recollections. Masha and I are still good friends.

(Maria Utkina, form 7b)